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Essay: 365 Golden Days by Sophie Grégoire (E09)




Allow yourself a magical, sparkling and fun journey of transformation! Today is the day! You can start this reflective journaling experience any day of the year.

This book was designed for you to find light at every moment and phase of life. “I will take you on a journey of personal empowerment and self-discovery. We will walk through the several important areas of your life together, be it love, career, meaning, identity, the past, and beyond. This is your chance to explore your life in a deep way that is easy to implement and fun to follow through with just a notebook and a pen!” 

Do you want to feel supported, guided, and soothed through a whole year journey together? “Every day, you will be held either by an Energy Forecast, or a short writing prompt for more self-discovery. If it's time for some self-care, I invite you to let this book reawaken the sparkle within you – yes, you are the shining author of your own life. Blessings on your journey! Fellow Wanderer, let's get started!


365 Golden Days: Daily Empowering Messages & Writing Prompts for More Self-Discovery, Happiness, Gratitude & Personal Power
Sophie Grégoire (E09)
Spellbound Publishers
236 pages


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