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Transition: Graduates Get Involved In ESSEC’s #Together Strategy

ESSEC Business School News



The pillars of ESSEC’s new Rise strategy include the #Together initiative, delivered by Anne-Claire Pache (E94). The starting pistol sounded in September 2020 for this roadmap for ESSEC’s social and environmental transition, marked in particular by the launch of COCON, the multi-party consultation committee of which many of our alumni are members.

How does it work?

Composed of five colleges representing professors, students, staff, alumni, and each campus (see diagram), COCON seats no fewer than 40 members who meet on the first Thursday of every month, alongside the #Together team and representatives of ESSEC’s other strategic pillars. 

Each college has four votes, and selects its own representatives to serve a one-year term, which can be repeated once. 

What does it do?

The job of members of the COCON committee is to offer suggestions on which actions to take, suggest adjustments to the projects presented to them, make pronouncements on decisions to be submitted to the executive committee, act as spokespeople for the college they represent, allocate a budget for the projects they find most relevant from those proposed by the community, and to serve as peer ambassadors for ESSEC’s transformation.

Who are its members?

Student representatives are members of the student associations for our various programmes. For the professors, each department has appointed its own representative. Members of staff selected their representatives through an online vote, choosing between those who had stood as candidates. The director of each campus appointed a representative. Lastly, graduate representatives (see below) were appointed by ESSEC Alumni, chosen from those who had shown support for #Together since it was launched, while striving to reflect the diversity of the community through representatives from ESSEC’s various undergraduate or postgraduate courses, who graduated 3 to 30 years ago, with a wide range of skills and a variety of outlooks on the environmental transition, sustainable development, social innovation, and gender equality. 

Where can you find them?

To get the latest news on Together or to get involved yourself, visit the #Together website, join the LinkedIn group, follow @TOGETHERessec1 on Twitter, or email the team at


Graduate members of COCON


- Hélène Boulet-Supau (E88), member of the ESSEC Alumni task force on respect for others
Félicie Goyet (E06), co-manager of the ESSEC Alumni Transition Club
Stefane Hedont-Hartmann (M05), co-manager of the ESSEC Alumni Sustainable Business Club
- Amaury Klossa (E98), former member of the ESSEC Alumni board of directors


- Benjamin Athuil (E15), member of the ESSEC Alumni board of directors
Batoul Hassoun (E07), member of the 21st Century Club office and board of directors
- Louise Piednoir (E07), co-manager of the ESSEC Alumni Sustainable Business Club
- Lou Welgryn (E18), co-manager of the ESSEC Alumni Transition Club


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Image : ©  AdobeStock


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