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An ESSEC Alumnus Describes Hong Kong During COVID-19




Jonathan Ly (E16), president of the Hong Kong Chapter, updates us on the epidemic in his area. There’s no lockdown there, but there has been a second wave of infections.

ESSEC Alumni: What’s the current situation in Hong Kong?

Jonathan Ly: After the epidemic peaked at the beginning of March, we’ve had a second wave in the past two weeks that has led to the closure of bars and nightclubs. The spread of the virus still seems to have been significantly limited by the widespread wearing of masks, as well as regular, ongoing disinfection of buildings, public transport and other public places, particularly door handles and lift buttons. Now, the majority of cases are imported. That’s why every traveller who comes into Hong Kong is required to go into isolation at home or in a hotel, wear an electronic bracelet and have real-time geolocation tracking enabled on their smartphone for 14 days.

EA: How does this situation impact you on a daily basis?

J. Ly: The impact isn’t as severe as in Europe in that the authorities haven’t mandated a lockdown. We’re not allowed to gather in groups of more than four in public places, but we can still do so in our homes. It’s possible to telework, but not required. Each company decides their own policy on the matter.

EA: How will things look in Hong Kong post-crisis?

J. Ly: While things have slowed, economic life continues, so getting back up to speed will be less complicated than in other regions of the world. However, it will depend on a rebound of activity in Asia, especially China. The local economy is significantly more dependent on the surrounding environment than in Singapore.

EA: What news do you have from the local ESSEC community in this context?

J. Ly: We aren’t organising any events for the time being. Our last gathering – the big annual Christmas dinner that drew more than 20 guests – feels like it was ages ago! But we’re putting a good face on things in the meantime. We promise to organise a reunion as soon as orders from the Hong Kong government, the French consulate and other big local institutions permit it.

Interview by Veary Ngy, International  Community Manager, & Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni.

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