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Covid-19: An Essec Alumnus Describes Israel During COVID-19




Maurice Meyara (E75), president of the Israel chapter, updates us on the epidemic in his area. The situation seems to be under control – but many constraints remain.

ESSEC Alumni: What’s the current situation in Israel?

Maurice Meyara: On 6 May, the situation seemed to be under control, with 230 deaths and no new victims within the previous 24 hours. Schools and shops have reopened, and the market is slowly recovering. But certain constraints remain: masks must be worn (there are no shortages), you must keep your distance and practice good hygiene... Testing has also been extended, with around 100,000 tests taking place each week in this country with a population of 9 million. 

EA: How has this situation affected the life of Israelis?

M. Meyara: Like everywhere else, lockdown has affected the population’s everyday life. Unemployment has risen from 4% to 25%! But Israelis are showing resilience – they are used to attacks and living under war... 

EA: How will things look in Israel post-crisis?

M. Meyara: Despite difficulties in certain sectors such as tourism, the country seems quite optimistic. One Israeli startup was just sold to Intel for $1 billion!

EA: What news do you have from the local ESSEC community in this context?

M. Meyara: The WhatsApp group has helped to beat loneliness and to stay in contact with our old classmates, which has been a great means of support during this time.

Interview by Veary Ngy, International  Community Manager at ESSEC Alumni, and Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni

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