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Le Parapluitier: Umbrellas For Your Fellas




Anne Donnay (E95) has founded Le Parapluitier, the first French brand for eco-designed umbrellas. Support her crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank !

“I wanted  both to put an end to the 10 million umbrellas that are thrown away every year in France, a real thorn in the side of the environment, and to reinject life into this area of French craftsmanship that is slowly disappearing.”  

And so, Anne Donnay teamed up with an artisan based in Jura to develop a range of sustainable umbrellas, opting for a short, local supply chain from the label to the cardboard packaging, and joining the circular economy with her collection service to recycle old models.

The result? Umbrellas that meet current expectations... and that are still lovely to look at! “You’re sure to find the model that matches your style in our collection, or the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, or for your clients and staff.” One particularly interesting model is the Rendez-Vous, which can be customised as a corporate gift.

In time, Anne Donnay would like to develop sunshades and parasols, and obtain Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) certification. Help her reach her goal by supporting her crowdfunding campaign on KissKissBankBank before 25 November!

Find out more: 

Le Parapluitier has a special offer for corporate gifts for members of ESSEC Alumnicheck it here!

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