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Essay: EU Banking & Financial Regulation by Jean-Baptiste Poulle (E06)




This book presents a comprehensive and systematic overview of the major directives and regulations that currently govern the EU’s banking and finance industries. Consisting of 16 thematic parts, it not only addresses the various banking and financial legislations relating to EU supervisors, banks and financial markets, but also considers more peripheral issues such as anti-money laundering, whilst referring to important case law. Focus is also given to the evolution of regulations, which allows for comparative links to be drawn between the diverse legislation.

The authors aim to offer both a fundamental and accessible resource for practitioners and public servants in the legal and financial sectors. Undergraduate and postgraduate students alongside academics interested in European finance and banking law will also find it a valuable read.


EU Banking & Financial Regulation 
Jean-Baptiste Poulle (E06), Arut Kannan, Nicolas Spitz, Sandra Kahn & Anastasia Sotiropoulou
Edward Elgar Publishing
760 pages

By the same author: Les quatre jardins


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