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ESSEC Alumni in Spain: “We have an optimistic view of the future here”


Spain /Espagne - Barcelona / Barcelone

ESSEC Alumni News



From wide opportunities to wild parties: Spain likes to keep it upbeat! Olivier Crambade (E87), chairman of ESSEC Alumni’s Spain Chapter, gives us his take on the country, sheds light on the alumni living there, and calls for new volunteers as he is about to step down. Apply before November 25 at!

ESSEC Alumni: Is ESSEC a known entity in Spain? 

Olivier Crambade: We enjoy an outstanding brand image in professional circles. The country’s French high schools, with 21,000 pupils, help to maintain our reputation.

EA: What’s the ESSEC community like in Spain? 

O. Crambade: Spain is currently home to over 140 ESSEC alumni, located primarily in Madrid and Barcelona (which has its own chapter), as well as in other regional capitals like Bilbao, Valencia, and Seville… Their careers are as varied as their ages (from 22 to 70), encompassing everything from analysts to CEOs in almost every business sector, with a particularly strong presence in big luxury brands. 

EA: What opportunities can Spain offer our alumni? 

O. Crambade: France is Spain’s biggest trading partner for both imports and exports. That gives you an idea of how much business takes place between the two countries... Most of the big French companies have a significant footprint in the Iberian Peninsula, which paves the way for alumni looking to move to Spain to find opportunities here, as well as for those looking to settle here after an initial taste of life in the country: that’s 80% of us!

EA: What aspects of Spain are particularly appealing to expats? 

O. Crambade: Spain has all the benefits of life in Europe – democracy, the rule of law, quality healthcare and education systems, safety – without relinquishing that Latin lifestyle where priority is given to social and family relationships, all with an attitude of open-mindedness, tolerance, and of course, fiesta. In Spain, problems don’t necessarily lead to conflict, and people are still quite optimistic about the future.

EA: What advice would you give to alumni tempted by the Spanish lifestyle? 

O. Crambade: If you’re working with Spanish entrepreneurs, remember that they are not in any way risk-averse, which makes them agile and effective, but also, sometimes, fragile. Our sacrosanct principle of caution just doesn’t figure in their way of thinking. You should also be prepared to adapt to working hours: mornings at work are from 9am to 2pm, while the afternoon starts at 4pm and can run on until 9pm... and don’t be late for dinner at 10pm.

EA: What services and activities does the ESSEC Alumni Spain Chapter offer?

O. Crambade: We regularly welcome new alumni arriving in Spain, and assist them with settling in. In particular, we help them to find a job through networking. 

EA: What are the most recent events you’ve organised? And what will be the next? 

O. Crambade: The last two years were not conducive to in-person events. Since May, however, we’ve resumed our bi-monthly afterwork events in Madrid and Barcelona. We’re planning a seminar for the end of the year on energy transition in companies, with a brainstorming session on simple ideas which staff can contribute around this issue.

EA: Who are the members of your team? Do you need extra volunteers at your side? 

O. Crambade: We’re lucky to have some energetic alumni among us, especially Marion Prince (E02), Pierre-Yves Gary (BBA 09), Barbara Loyer (BBA 98) and Nicolas Cousin (IMHI 06) in Madrid, and people who are just as motivated in Barcelona, thanks to whom our activities have reached a good momentum. That said, I am actually handing over my position and I am pleased to invite you to apply for the new board of the chapter. Feel free to reach out to before November 25 to apply or ask any questions. 

Interview  by Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni

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