Hello everyone,
We are glad to invite you to a Climate Fresck workshop on April 24th at the Image de Marque offices. This is a great opportunity to participate in this workshop to understand the challenges related to climate change. Over 1.5 million participants have already joined this workshop in France and around the world. A lot of medias speak very positively about it.
We can conduct this workshop in French, English, or Spanish depending on demand.
We ask for a participation fee of €12, which will be used for a pica-pica during the workshop and as a donation to the Climate Fresck association.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
A bit more information about the game:
What is it?
Climate Fresk is a powerful tool for providing a quality climate education. It is accessible to anyone and can be scaled quickly within an organisation or community.
In practice:
During this collective intelligence workshop, participants reconstruct the cause-and-effect relationships of climate change, and then explore actions to take personally and professionally.
- 3 hours to understand climate issues
- A set of 42 cards to play with
- One facilitator for 4 to 14 participants
In the French media:
- France inter: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/social-lab/fresque-du-climat-jouer-pour-notre-avenir-4255542
- Le monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2023/05/25/le-succes-de-la-fresque-du-climat-cet-atelier-de-sensibilisation-aux-enjeux-climatiques-suivi-par-1-1-million-de-personnes_6174733_3244.html#
- Les echos: https://start.lesechos.fr/societe/environnement/la-fresque-du-climat-et-ses-fresqueurs-professionnels-enquete-sur-ceux-qui-sensibilisent-a-grande-echelle-1359897
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