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ESSEC Alumni Spain: “France is our No. 1 trading partner”

ESSEC Alumni News



[Automatically generated translation]

Fabienne Fourquet (E99), President of the ESSEC Alumni Spain Chapter, tells us more about life for graduates and students in the country - and the activities her team offers them. Do you live in Spain? Don't hesitate to join the local community group on our website

ESSEC Alumni: How would you describe ESSEC alumni - students and graduates - in Spain? 

Fabienne Fourquet: We have over 300 alumni in the country, spread mainly between Madrid and Barcelona (which has its own chapter), as well as in the other regional capitals: Bilbao, Valencia, Seville... The profiles are as diverse as the ages: the positions held range from analyst to CEO, in almost every business sector, with a particularly strong presence among the major luxury brands.

EA: What opportunities does Spain have to offer? 

F. Fourquet: Growth over the last ten years, favorable measures to develop the entrepreneurial and tourist sectors, openness to the Spanish-speaking world and its 600 million nationals, political stability... The country offers real opportunities - particularly for people from France, which is Spain's leading trading partner in terms of both exports and imports. Most major French companies have a significant presence on the Iberian Peninsula, as do many start-ups such as Noos and Resilience. This Franco-Spanish dynamism is reflected in the diversity of French-speaking networks active in the country: Frenchfounders, French Tech, Mazette, La Peña, Grandes Écoles au Féminin, International Women's Forum, YPO... It's worth noting that ESSEC itself enjoys a strong brand image in local business circles. The country's French lycées, with over 21,000 students, play a key role in maintaining our reputation.

EA: On a broader level, what are the advantages of living in Spain? 

F. Fourquet: Spain offers all the advantages of life in Europe: democracy, legal certainty, a high-quality medical and school system, security... while maintaining a Latin lifestyle where priority is given to social and family relations in an open, tolerant and often festive spirit. In this country, problems don't necessarily lead to conflict, and the future is still viewed with a certain optimism! We can also mention the good weather and the rich natural heritage: Sierra Nevada, the Pyrenees, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Balearic and Canary Islands...

EA: What activities does the ESSEC Alumni Spain Chapter offer?

F. Fourquet: We welcome newcomers and help them settle in. We help those who want to find a job or internship through networking and introductions. And we organize events about once a quarter: afterworks and other informal get-togethers (ideally on the terrace), roundtables on themes such as the future of French education, transformations brought about by artificial intelligence, challenges of ecological and energy transition for companies, aspirations of Gen Z... Each time, we endeavor to involve ESSECs in our discussions; for example, we spoke with Stéphane Vojetta (E97), deputy for the 5th constituency of French nationals living outside France (Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Andorra); Sofia Mouline (E17), Chairman and CEO Head office at International Schools Partnership Ltd; Stéphane Maraut (E96), Head of Artificial Intelligence at Caixabank; Clémentine Baldon (E99), impact lawyer; Olivier Crambade (E87), multi-entrepreneur and former President of the Spain Chapter; and Audrey Dubost Mattutzu (E15), Vice-President of Structured Finance for Energy, Resources and Infrastructure at BNP Paribas CIB. We also take part in events organized by other alumni associations, networks and entrepreneurial clubs.

EA: What plans do you have for the ESSEC Alumni Spain Chapter?

F. Fourquet: We recently launched a new format that we hope to make permanent: exclusive lunches offering an in-depth conversation with an expert on a particular issue, profession or sector. We're also experimenting with broadcasting replays for our colleagues who don't live in Madrid or Barcelona. Eventually, we'd also like to offer events for these smaller communities. 

EA: Who are the members of your team? 

F. Fourquet: Marion Prince (E02) and Barbara Loyer (BBA 98) are committed to working with me, and I'd like to thank them very much. We'd be delighted to hear from other volunteers: please don't hesitate to contact us!

Join Chapter Spain and our 125 clubs & chapters!

Interview by Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni 

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