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Sustainable Business Club: ‘We Encourage Everyone to Build a Fairer and More Sustainable Economy’

ESSEC Alumni News



The  Sustainable Business Club rallies members of the ESSEC community driving the transformation of business models and placing social and ecological impact at the heart of companies. The Club’s co-administrators, Katia Ronzeau (E06) and Stefane Hedont-Hartmann (EXEC M05), share their aims and achievements with us.

 ESSEC Alumni: What are the missions of your club? 

Stefane Hedont-Hartmann: Our starting point is simple: we believe that alumni of major business schools such as ours are in a prime position to re-examine business models in response to the environmental and social challenges that await us. The aim of our club is thus to act as a space for sharing and inspiration, to help everyone understand how to act in their sphere of influence and contribute to building a fairer and more sustainable economy.

EA: Who is your club geared towards?

Katia Ronzeau: We’re open to all alumni, regardless of their sector. It’s true we primarily target C-level decision-makers and managers leading their company’s strategy and long-term vision, but we also want to rally students who will hold positions of responsibility in the coming 15 to 20 years and can become players for change as of now. Whatever their role or business sector, all stakeholders must be involved in the profound transformations required to comply with the Paris Agreements and limit the impacts of our activities. Each person can play their part in transforming limits into opportunities: procurement must minimise the negative externalities of its supply chain; finance must anticipate new risks and incorporate extra-financial goals; communication must adopt more responsible, factual and transparent messages around a brand’s CSR commitments and achievements.

EA: What practical actions do you lead?

S. Hedont-Hartmann: We organise at least one conference per quarter on a topic chosen by our members as well as regular, more intimate afterwork gatherings. We communicate via the social networks, where we share sector news and regulatory changes, and via a newsletter, which delves deeper into the reflections emerging from our events. Our group page on the ESSEC Alumni website also devotes a monthly feature to an ESSEC member acting for change.

 EA: What links do you maintain with the School?

K. Ronzeau: We are among the graduate representatives within COCON, a multi-party coordination committee whose members are a driving force in the projects forming part of the environmental and social transition programme  ESSEC Together. We’re also in contact with the  Chairs, the Rabat campus and Mannheim University. We lend our support to certain student organisations, in particular Noise, which focuses on sustainable development.

 EA: Do you work with other ESSEC Alumni clubs and chapters? 

K. Ronzeau: We organise joint events around topical issues on a regular basis with other clubs, such as Integrating ESG criteria through finance with the Finance, Bank & Insurance Club, or Water and energy: the new green gold with the Real Estate, Cities and Territories Club

 EA: How can alumni contribute to your actions?

K. Ronzeau: All hands are welcome to boost our impact! We’re putting our 2024 programme together and would like to hear from you if you have sustainable business experiences to share. If you wish to get involved on a deeper level, we’re hoping to add new members to our Board in the coming months. In the meantime, come join our LinkedIn group

Interview by Louis Armengaud Wurmser  (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni 
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