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ESSEC Alumni in the USA: “You Think You Know This Country? Think Again!”

ESSEC Alumni News



François-Olivier Luiggi (IMHI 92), President of ESSEC Alumni’s USA Chapter, Marion Vidal (M15), member of the board, and Philippe Berdugo (E10) tell us about the life of the local alumni community – and the services they offer to them.

ESSEC Alumni: Is the ESSEC brand renowned in the USA?

François-Olivier Luiggi: ESSEC is getting more and more known here thanks to its exchange programs with leading universities such as Cornell, UC Berkeley, Boston University, University of Chicago and the Tuck School at Dartmouth College.

EA: What are the profiles of our alumni in the USA?

Marion Vidal: There are about 2,700 alumni across the country. Most live on the East & West Coasts, and work in finance or tech companies.

EA: What opportunities are there in the USA for our alumni? 

Philippe Berdugo: We have a growing number of work opportunities as the pandemic didn’t impact all sectors, especially in tech where many start-ups are looking for international talented profiles. COVID-19 restrictions are still limiting visas, but everything will soon be back to normal.

EA: As a foreigner, what makes it interesting to live in the USA?

F.-O. Luiggi: The USA is one of the most observed and commented countries in the world, so living here makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger. It’s a very diverse country across the different states and cities, with a lot of communities, so there is no unique culture to fit in, and everyone can find its place. It is in perpetual movement, there is no status quo: you either grow or die and get on another opportunity.

EA: What advice do you have for our alumni moving to the USA?

P. Berdugo: Since the USA is everywhere in popular culture, we tend to think we know the American culture and feel it is not too far from ours. However it is way more different than we think. I would advise to not take it for granted, and be very open.

EA: What is the offer of ESSEC Alumni’s USA Chapter?

M. Vidal: We have local chapters in the main cities, so that the community can gather everywhere. Our offer is mostly about getting together during conferences of alumni or networking events. We also have a LinkedIn group with 1,200 members. Feel free to reach out to our team of volunteers across the country:  Philippe and I in New York City; Ludivine Marche (BBA 99) in Chicago; Lydie Laperal-Rocha (BBA 91) in San Diego; Hélène Le Person (E00) in San Francisco; Dorothée Pinlet (E09) in Palo Alto in the San Francisco Bay; Adrienne Jan (E02) in Los Angeles; Caroline Waddington (E08) in Miami; Edith Windsor (E94) in Boston; and Chinmai Sharma (IMHI 03) in Dallas. 


Interview by Veary Ngy, International Community Manager at ESSEC Alumni, and Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni 

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