E-Health governance, from DNS in France to the world with the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Dear Alumni,
We are delighted to invite you to our next event on :
Thursday, June 16th
From 12pm to 1.15pm (France Time)
Via Zoom, in English
We will have the pleasure of welcoming :
- Dominique PON: CEO Pasteur Clinic, ToulouseCo-Head of the French Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health until April 30, 2022
Isabelle ZABLIT:
Europe & International Director
French Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health
Ministry of Prevention and Health
Sameer PUJARI: Department of digital health and innovation, World Health Organization
Ursula (Yu) ZHAO: Department of digital health and innovation, World Health Organization
What are the WHO's challenges?
Convincing governments around the world setting up eHealth governance to ensure access to quality health care for the world's citizens.
Moderators :
- Bertrand Spilthooren: eHealth Independent consultant
- Olivier Van Kote: Executive Director Life Science
MonEspaceSanté, a French success story, a possible variation on a global scale, what methodology should be put in place to evaluate the economic benefits, country by country, of a tool that places people at the heart of the healthcare system?
- Olivier Van Kote : Introduction, 5mn,
Sameer PUJARI: Worldwide E-Health governance stakes, 10mn
Dominique PON: How France decided and implemented eHealth Governance, 10mn
Isabelle ZABLIT: French eHealth governance success and benefits, 10mn
Ursula (Yu) ZHAO: Showcasing French example to replicate all around the world, 10mn
Bertrand SPILTHOOREN Q&A, 15mn
Bertrand SPILTHOOREN Conclusion
Registration is open in the registration module below.
The connection link will be sent to you after registration, on the day.
We hope to see many of you.
The ESSEC Health Club
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