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COVID-19: An ESSEC Alumnus Reports From Russia




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The pandemic is peaking in Russia. Dmitry Karandin (M15), president of ESSEC Alumni’s Russia Chapter, tells us more about the situation on the ground. 

ESSEC Alumni: What is the current situation in Russia? 

Dmitry Karandin: As of April 16th we have more than 24,000 cases. People who enter Russia are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. The government deployed digital tools to control social distancing and breaking self-isolation mode. Moscow authorities launched a digital pass system: Moscow residents must now apply for a permit to go to work, to doctor or to leave their district due to some reasons. Self-isolation mode is until April 30th, then we will see.

EA: How does this situation impact you and the people around you?

D. Karandin: Daily and social habits completely changed. Many people now work from home. I do as well. My job is related with international IT projects and I used to travel a lot before pandemic; now I try to do as much as possible remotely. No face-to-face meetings with Russian partners. 

EA: How is the post-crisis period shaping up in your country?

D. Karandin: I think SMEs are the most vulnerable part of economy, but this crisis affects everybody and every industry, just as in the rest of the world.

EA: What news do you have from the local ESSEC community?

D. Karandin: We are not aware of any cases among our members. No bad news is good news nowadays… Also, we are planning to organize some online masterclasses in cooperation with alumni chapters of other business schools. Stay tuned!

Interview by Veary Ngy, International  Community Manager at ESSEC Alumni, and Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni

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