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ESSEC Alumni in Romania : “Our Country Is in Continuous Development”

Actus d'ESSEC Alumni



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Anca Birda (M04), President of ESSEC Alumni’s Romania Chapter, tells us more about the local community – and the activities she offers to them. If you are a graduate or a student in the area, join their online group!

ESSEC Alumni: What is your history with Romania? 

Anca Birda: I was born in Romania and only moved to France to study at ESSEC. After graduation, I returned to Bucharest and pursued a real estate career, working for a large investment fund, then on smaller development projects. I am now active in the renewable energy sector.    

EA: What opportunities are there for our alumni in Romania?

A. Birda: Given that we are in an election year, activities tend to slow down and therefore become more challenging. However our country is in continuous development with the help of European funding, offering a large range of opportunities in renewable energy, technology, consumer goods and retail, agriculture, and private-public investments in infrastructure. Also, many regions of Romania have a high potential for tourism. More specifically, it is worth noting that ESSEC brand awareness is quite strong here, as France has been investing steadily in our economy for long now.

EA: What are the profiles and backgrounds of our alumni in Romania? 

A. Birda: We are a small community of entrepreneurs, business owners and corporate managers. 50% have Romanian origins and 50% are French expats. Most of us are based in Bucharest but our businesses often take us in other parts of the country, involving constant travelling. 

EA: What practical advice do you have for our alumni moving in Romania?

A. Birda: Do your own research and due diligence about the project you are involved in, hire a local consultant if needed, remain patient and determined. Trust your instincts, they are usually right.

EA: What are the offers and services of ESSEC Alumni’s Romania Chapter

A. Birda: We offer networking opportunities via our quarterly alumni dinners, and direct contacts or collaborations with the CCIFER Romania and the French Embassy of Bucharest. I plan to organize a larger Grandes Ecoles event in 2024 and get-togethers with broader communities of alumni to discuss the various business topics, such as energy, financing, real estate, IT, and others.

EA: Who are the members of your team? 

A. Birda: I am carrying the Chapter for now. More volunteers are welcome: feel free to reach out! 

Join our Romania Chapter and our 125 clubs and chapters!

Interview by Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni 

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Image: © AdobeStock

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