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EWA Boost’ goes international! Coming soon in UK!

Actus d'ESSEC Alumni



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Applications for EWA Boost’, ESSEC Women Alumni (EWA)’s mentoring program for women, are now open in the United Kingdom! You can apply here until January 15th 2020 at midnight.

Still today, a female entrepreneur will raise significantly less money that her male counterpart when fundraising, a female ‘number 2’ will struggle to become ‘number 1’, women in a male-dominated industry must still fight to convince others of their leadership skills and, more generally, it will be difficult for them to balance their personal and professional life, to see their work rewarded with fair pay… And ESSEC’s alumnae are no exception. 

This is why Christine Malpart (E87), President of EWA, decided to launch the EWA Boost’ mentoring programme. “In my experience as a professional coach, I could see how the glass ceiling was just as much an objective external limit, linked to the burden of norms, gender biases, and (un)conscious collective and individual norms, as it is an internal limit, linked to forms of self-censorship, self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.” Why did she opt for mentoring rather than coaching? “Mentors become a model and a source of inspiration for mentees. In return, mentees can compare themselves with their mentor, and can also share their own experiences and what they have learnt – this is known as reverse mentoring. Unlike coaching, mentoring does not have a specific objective. It rather contributes to your professional development and fulfilment.” 

A new step in 2020

Since 2015, the programme has enabled more than 100 mentees to significantly accelerate their career, to successfully expatriate or return to their country, to join boards and/or to create businesses. This year, the EWA team has decided to expand this successful programme outside France! The first step is the UK, where aspiring mentees can preregister until midnight on 15 January 2020. “We will match these mentees with the identified mentors based on their expectations. The actual launch will take place in March 2020.

How does it work?

Mentors are male and female and members of the ESSEC group alumni network, a successful talent pool of the highest functions in the economic world. They have been chosen for their openness, their commitment and their desire to help women progress in their professional life. 

Eligibility conditions for mentees are:

- Being a member of ESSEC Alumni (2019 yearly subscription or lifelong membership)

- Being a woman with a minimum 5-year professional experience, and wishing for a boost in your professional career

- Living and working in the UK

- Accepting the EWA Boost’ guidelines as described in the enclosed programme description

Interested? Please apply here and/or send your application either in English or French along with a face photograph with your name to

Please note this is a pre-registration form. EWA is currently forming the cohort of EWA Boost’ international mentors. The program will launch depending on demand from mentees and availability of mentors.

Find out more: 


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