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Watch ESSEC’s COVID-19 & Business Webinars

Actus d'ESSEC Alumni



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In response to the COVID-19 crisis, ESSEC APAC and ESSEC Alumni launched a Business Insights Webinar Series, inviting high-level alumni in Asia to share their views and advice on the current situation. Don’t worry if you missed it: you can watch the replays below!

‘Fight COVID-19 with Agile Supply Chain’ with Loïc Benattar (E06), Vice-President Asia-Pacific at Bansard International:

‘Fintech As An Innovation To Address Business Challenges’ with Arul Jesuvivek Chinnappan (EMBA16), Project Manager and Change Leader at UBS:

‘Being There For Your Customers When It Matters Most!’ with Antoine Jouanjean (E06), Managing Director APAC at ClaraVista:

‘Lessons on Sustainability Learnt from COVID-19’ with Ranjita Ravi (E13), Co-Founder at Orxa Energies:

‘Where is the Chinese Banking System heading, and the Potential Consequences for Europe’ with Eran Benichou (E06), Chief Financial Officer at CIB APAC:

‘Understanding your audience's response to COVID-19’ with Julien Chevignon (E02), CEO Asia Pacific at YouGov:

‘Back to Basics: the New York Culture’ with Stephenie Teo (EMBA16), Head of Learning and Talent Management for Bank of Singapore:

The concept proved so popular it will get renewed next semester. Stay tuned! 

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Image: © Freepik


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