Masterclass : It’s all about Strategy Execution!

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It’s all about Strategy Execution!

​ ​By Jeroen De Flander

Expert in executing international strategies and a highly respected speaker.

Thursday, January 17, 2019 from 6.30 - 7.00 pm
ESSEC Executive Education

You have worked hard to come up with a great strategy for your company, division or team. The ambition creates excitement, investments have been approved, and you are motivated to take the next step − but… does your organisation have the power to turn that great strategy into great performance? 

During this Master Class Jeroen de Flander will introduce the approach to one of the building blocks of Strategy Execution that is related to “People”: With the help of science, we will discover the secret paths of execution. 

We will talk about three prerequisites: 

  1. The connection with the head, people need to know your strategy
  2. The connection to the heart, people need to worry about your strategy
  3. The connection to the hands, people need energy to push your strategy forward.

Jeroen de Flander will also present his last book in its French version: "L'exécution de la stratégie : chemins secrets" 


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