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Evering Consulting: The Best in Town Planning




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Ming Tao (E03) launched Evering Consulting, a boutique consultancy specialized in urban strategy and investment advisory in China. 

China has been undergoing a rapid urbanization, therefore a lot of urban and regional development projects are taking place across the country and planning and consultancy services for the sector are in high demand.” 

In the past twelve years, Evering has engaged itself in nearly thirty projects of a variety of types and sizes, including strategic planning of new towns, industrial parks, business parks, tourism destinations, urban regeneration, real estate development, economic clusters study for cities or districts, and so on. “In early years, I worked closely with large planning and design firms as their sun-con, mainly responsible for economic study, proposition of development mix and feasibility study of the projects. In recent years, I had more and more cases directly commissioned by local government or investor clients for high profile projects, such as a study on the regeneration strategy of an 800-years old town, which today is among the most important tourism sites in Shanghai suburb, or a development strategy for a Free Trade Zone spanning 2 in Fuzhou, a port city in south-east China.” 

Evering also helps investors do business in China. “Lately, I put a great deal of efforts in fund sourcing for a Chinese high-tech company that has developed world leading technology in producing bio-degradable PVA films. The work seems promising – the first phase of mass production is under preparation at the moment.

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