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Apply to ESSEC Women Alumni's Mentoring Program in the UK & Ireland

Actus d'ESSEC Alumni



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The Paris-founded mentoring scheme EWA Boost’ UK & Ireland - which aims to step up female success in the workplace - is now open for applications. Apply here before 24 April!

As of today, women in the workplace are still facing significant hurdles compared to their male counterparts - whether when raising money as a founder, convincing senior management of their leadership skills, balancing their personal and professional life, or even seeing their work rewarded with fair pay… And ESSEC’s alumnae are no exception. 

This is why Christine Malpart (E87), President of EWA, decided to launch the EWA Boost’ mentoring programme. “In my experience as a professional coach, I could see how the glass ceiling was just as much an objective external limit, linked to [...] (un)conscious collective and individual norms, as it is an internal limit, linked to forms of self-censorship, self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.” 

Since 2015, the programme has enabled more than 100 mentees to significantly accelerate their career, to successfully expatriate or return to their country, to join boards and/or to create businesses. Originally set up in Paris, the EWA team has expanded to the UK & Ireland last year, and is now opening applications for its 2022/2023 program.

Who can apply?

EWA Boost' UK & Ireland is open to female ESSEC graduates: 

- with an ESSEC Alumni 2022 or lifelong membership

- wishing for a boost in their professional career (no minimum experience required)

- living and working in the UK or Ireland

Apply before 24 April by filling this form!

Any queries? Please get in touch with the EWA UK team at

Follow EWA and EWA Boost’ on social media: Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn 

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