ESSEC San Francisco Alumni x HEC, EDHEC, X, ENSAM Happy Hour - Sep 2024

62 participants
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Hi everyone, 

Join us for a Happy Hour at 620 Jones to enjoy the (late) SF summer on Tue Sep 10, 2024 from 5pm to 7pm. 

This gathering is open to all alumni from ESSEC, HEC, EDHEC, X/Polytechnique and ENSAM/Arts & Métiers. 

This free, no-host event will take place in the wonderful outdoor patio of 620 Jones. While we hope the sun will brighten our cocktails, it’s always best to plan for a light jacket with the San Francisco summer :)

See you then!


Vincent Toesca
President of the SF Bay Area ESSEC Alumni Chapter |

+1 415 420 7414

Registration required 👇

If you have any issues with your registration or any questions, please contact us by e-mail at

📸 ESSEC Alumni may use photos and videos taken during this event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, Reflets magazine, social media, websites, etc.). If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please inform us by e-mail ( before the event.

562 vues Visites
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Clubs Internationaux
Diffusé sur : The USA / Etats-Unis d'Amérique - Whole Country

620 Jones

620, Jones Street 94102 SAN FRANCISCO

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