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ESSEC Alumni in Israel: “The Country’s Economy Has Seen Phenomenal Growth in 20 Years”

ESSEC Alumni News



Israel is home to more than 100 alumni. David Benoliel (E03), President of the ESSEC Alumni Israel Chapter gives us more insight on the life of the local community and the services it offers.

ESSEC Alumni: What are the profiles of alumni in Israel? 

David Benoliel: The specificity of the local community is that, strictly speaking, it is not made up of expatriates but almost exclusively of French citizens who have “made their aliyah”, a Hebrew term which means to immigrate definitively with no intention of returning. Moving to Israel under these conditions carries a particular meaning and implies a strong commitment which can sometimes be unsettling. This is why it is so important, perhaps even more so here, to be able to turn to alumni on site, who can offer you advice, help and perspective, specially adapted to newcomers. 

EA: What forms of support does the ESSEC Alumni Israel Chapter provide?

D. Benoliel: We provide access to a vast network of all French Grandes Ecoles graduates living in the country, which allows newcomers to be notified rapidly of job opportunities in numerous growth sectors, find an answer to a professional query easily, or simply request help. It must be pointed out that the French-speaking business sector is highly active here. 

EA: What opportunities does Israel offer alumni?

D. Benoliel: Israel’s economy has experienced phenomenal growth in the last 20 years. Creativity has become the country’s trademark and Israel currently boasts one of the world’s most buoyant economies. There are considerable recruitment needs, whether in start-ups (fintech, biotech, foodtech, retail, etc.), national flagships (pharmaceutical laboratories, pension funds, agro-food players, car manufacturers, energy operators, etc.) or subsidiaries of major international groups. And local recruiters are quite familiar with the ESSEC brand. 

EA: What aspects of Israel are particularly appealing for expatriates? 

D. Benoliel: Israel is a multi-cultural society, which fosters both artistic creation and the connection to the spiritual dimension. The communities which live alongside each other here come from all over the world and have a lot to contribute. 

EA: What advice do you have for alumni looking to move to Israel?

D. Benoliel: Come and spend a few weeks here before making a final decision. Meet as many people as you can. And consider going elsewhere other than Tel Aviv; there are plenty of other interesting destinations in the country!

Don’t hesitate to contact the team of the Israel Chapter:

- David Benoliel (E03) -

- Elodie Tordjman (E10) -

- Amalia Bercot (E09) - 

Interview by Veary Ngy, International  Community Manager at ESSEC Alumni, and Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni

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Image : © AdobeStock

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