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ESSEC Podcasts: Transition, Equal Opportunity, Seniors in Employment, Parenthood and More

Alumni News



A host of ESSEC alumni bringing you podcasts to inform, inspire and intrigue’s our selection for the summer (in French).

Trendz (in French)
Every week, Cécilia Gabizon (E92) and the journalists from ETX Majelan uncover and decode the new trends which will shape our daily lives. Get ready for a world where all employees work a 4-day week, where we can all produce our own energy and dress exclusively in upcycled wear!

Monéthique (in French)
Aurore Pinon-Jacques (E20) and Joseph Choueifaty, CMO and CEO respectively of Goodvest, the responsible life insurance provider, talk to environmental transition players to gain clearer insight into ecological issues and impact. Recent guests include: Audrey Baylac, eco-tourism expert; Thomas Huriez, founder of the jeans brand Made in France 1083; Johan Reboul, author of the Guide du Jeune Engagé [Guide for Young Activists], and Julien Vidal, author of Mon métier aura du sens [My Job Will Be Meaningful], published by Vuibert. 

Trajectoire (in French)
 Founder and CEO of the Birdeo recruitment firm, which specialises in impact professions, Caroline Renoux (EXEC M10) decodes CSR and sustainable development expertise and explores the strategies and tools helping businesses to become more sustainable. She examines themes such as measuring your carbon footprint, adopting the circular economy, obtaining B-Corp certification or incorporating ESG criteria.  

Chance (in French)
Ludovic de Gromard (E11), founder of the augmented coaching solution, Chance, which helps you bring meaning to your working life, asked Philippine de Saint-Exupéry to interview famous figures on their careers and the doubts, hesitations and encounters which ultimately opened doors for them. The aim is to understand how to overcome hurdles and seize an opportunity so that your past no longer dictates your future. Philippine recently spoke to  Élisabeth Moreno (EXEC MBA 06), ex- Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and currently president of LEIA Partners and the Femmes@numérique Foundation [for women in digital science]. Her story was particularly inspiring: ‘My mother was a housecleaner and my father worked on building sites. You can imagine the implied limits in terms of network (...) There are lots of stories like mine. If we had more role models, if more emphasis had been placed on successful women in history, maybe young girls today would have fewer doubts about their ability to become astronauts, doctors, engineers, astro-physicians or business owners.’ 

Africa's Investor Call (in French)
Founder of the fintech Demleen, which facilitates access to funding for French-speaking African SMEs, Eryomi Aholoukpe (M10) wants to change the image of economic players and movements from this part of the world. ‘We learn here about what’s happening now, we’re tooling up to spot business nuggets and drawing inspiration from ambitious and successful business owners who will embody tomorrow’s Africa. We take our dose of Afro-optimism while tackling the challenges and the need for resilience and success. And above all, we discover together how everyone can begin investing on their level in Africa and make a significant impact on the continent.’ 

Voix de la finance (in French)
Gaël Parienté (E26) and his guest experts explore the various facets of corporate finance professions and market finance, to inspire and guide students and young people with an interest in this sector. Listen to fascinating interviews with passionate professionals such as Eric Bleines, Managing Director of Swiss Life Private Management; Elodie Legendre, founder of the M&A consultancy Sevenstones, and Jonathan Issan, Head of Quant & Electronic Trading at Enigma Securities. 

The Talent (in French)
Chloë Touati (EXEC PROG 09) founder of the consultancy Authentic Talent, invites HR and talent management players to share their learning curves, difficulties and successes around a specific theme, and gleans their advice on practices to adopt in your organisation. How can we adapt to new working methods? What recruitment process should you adopt to hire rare or competitive talents? How do you ensure employee well-being? As a bonus, each episode comes with a summary sheet of the theme in question, 3 pieces of practical advice and all the references quoted. 

Senior, et alors? (in French)
Mathilde Thillaye du Boullay (BBA 09) and Elliott Pierret draw on their managerial experience to promote senior employment and intergenerational collaboration. ‘Senior workers will soon represent 20% of the active population; is this not an opportunity for all of us to question our attitudes and put an end to age discrimination? Their broad experience is a huge source of wealth for our companies and our society.’ Their guests, all over the age of 55, are living proof of this, such as senior model Nicole Jordi, or Alexandre Jost, founder of the citizen happiness movement, La Fabrique Spinoza, who shatters the clichés of his age group: ‘49% of over 60s play video games, only 20% of over 80s are dependent, and 63% of 65 to 70-year-olds have a sporting activity!

Contrôle parental (in French)
Guillaume Vendé (EXEC PROG 18) speaks to people looking after children, or hoping to one day. ‘Parenthood changes your life. You don’t always find the time to take a break or seek help or support. My goal is to help you to cope better with one of the most wonderful and rewarding adventures of your life.’ From video games to nutritional health, Santa Claus and coping with tiredness, all aspects of parenting are explored through shared experience and practical advice.

Le Podcast des Légendes (in French)
In each episode, Michel Werthenschlag (E00) and Guillaume Bonamy (E00) share a ‘fireside’ conversation on a football legend. ‘We talk about their early days, doubts and finest victories. We meet the human being behind the player. We take a straight-talking and benevolent path behind the scenes of Legends to (re)discover the anecdotes behind official history and relive the thrills and triumphs.’ 

La Parenthèse lyrique (in French)
Jessica Her (E08) and Grégoire Solle (E16) alternate musical choices in their 5-movement  ‘Quintette’ around a work, a theme or an emotion, and episodes on the opera world that venture backstage at La Scala, present iconic performers such as Carole Chabry or Cyrille Dubois, or investigate the life of castrati.

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