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ESSEC Professors & Students in Global Voice Issue #14

ESSEC Business School News



The #14 issue of Global Voice is out! Read articles and insights by ESSEC professors and students in this magazine published by the Council on Business & Society (CoBS), a global alliance of leading business schools – including ESSEC – dedicated to promoting responsible leadership. 

Global Voice #14 reflects the issues and anxieties we have faced and the major debates that have emerged as a result of the pandemic. And also offers the hope of a “New Normal” that is brighter, more equal and more understanding of our planet.

Will the favouring of efficiency over effectiveness continue to shape our world as it has done for the last 40 years? Will healthcare systems finally get the investment and support they require from government and the private sector? Will a new form of globalisation settle in, where international cooperation and understanding as global citizens take precedent over the fears and distrust fuelled by populism? And will our awareness of the benefits to the environment that lockdown produced – according to the World Economic Forum, a 17% three-month drop in pollution levels worldwide – encourage us to make those difficult though necessary changes in our systems and in ourselves to help get Mother Nature back on the path to full health?

Find out in this issue featuring articles from ESSEC professors Adrian Zicari and Mark Christensen, and ESSEC students Aïda El Kohen (E22), Edward Kenuk Shin (E20), Carlo Alberto Calchera (E22), Megha Sureshkar (O19) and Cécile Guignard (E19).

Download Global Voice Issue #14!

For further information, contact Tom Gamble, Council Communication and International Projects Manager at ESSEC Business School:

Illustration : © Freepik

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