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Support Tuong Lai, Winner of the ESSEC Alumni Student Association Award

Student Life



In late 2020, Tuong Lai won the First Prize in ESSEC Alumni's student association awards. Learn more about this humanitarian charity that supports education in Vietnam, and make a donation to its crowdfunding campaign!

Following a takeover in 2018-2019, the charity was about to be dissolved in 2020. But over the past year, a new team has been hard at work to bring it back from the brink. “The pandemic doesn’t make things easy, and hampered our goals for 2020. But what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. We are more determined than ever before to help children whose daily lives have been turned upside down.”

Every summer, Tuong Lai’s students head to Huế, in Vietnam, to give hands-on support through a number of initiatives.

At the top of the list is an emphasis on education: “This is our spearhead initiative, and all the more so this year, given that the global pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy, turning the school-life of many Vietnamese children on its head.” To remedy this, the organisation awards 150-200 bursaries to deserving pupils, hands out school stationery, and renovates school buildings.

Second comes supporting local entrepreneurship: “Here again, the pandemic and the economic crisis make our contribution all the more necessary, because it leaves many small business owners short on cash-flow and verging on bankruptcy.” Tuong Lai provides them with micro-credit.

Thirdly, promoting health: “Our new project for this year! We are going to supply essential everyday hygiene products (toothbrushes, soaps) and run a sex-ed awareness campaign.” 

To fund his work, Tuong Lai works hard all year to raise funds in France. “We establish partnerships with companies, organise events – like the sale of home-made meals on and off campus – and we are running a crowdfunding campaign. Support our work!”  

This year, Tuong Lai can also count on the €2,500 donation that comes with winning first prize in the ESSEC Alumni student associations awards. “We would like to thank ESSEC Alumni for nominating our project, and all of the students and graduates that voted for us! Thanks to you, our project will be able to keep championing our values of humanism and diversity, which form the foundations of both our charity and our school.” 

To support Tuong Lai’s crowdfunding campaign, click here.

To follow Tuong Lai on LinkedIn, click here.

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