The Future of Food & Sustainability: The Impact of What You Eat
25, Rue de Marignan
Cher/es Ami/es,Dear Friends and Alumni,Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au prochain événement du Club ESSEC Food qui aura lieu en partenariat avec Harvard Club of France, le 5 Juillet 2023 à 19h30 au 25 rue de Marignan, Paris 8ème, sur le thème : The Future of Food & Sustainability: The Impact of What You Eat Nous vous attendons nombreux pour cet événement exceptionnel ESSEC Club Food x Harvard Club de France.Ce sera bien sûr l'occasion d'aborder avec nos invités les questions et les enjeux du futur de notre alimentation.L'événement sera suivi d'un cocktail.A très bientôt.Amicalement.Richard C. Delerins, PhD.Responsable / Head, ESSEC Alumni Food ClubESSEC Alumni peut être amené à diffuser les photos et vidéos prises lors de cet événements dans ses différents supports de communication (brochures, newsletters, articles, magazine Reflets, médias sociaux, sites web, etc.). Si vous ne souhaitez pas être filmé ou photographié, merci de nous le signaler par e-mail ( avant la tenue de l'événement. INSCRIPTIONFormulaire d'Inscription et informations ci-après: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------InvitationThe Future of Food & Sustainability :The Impact of What You EatAn exceptional partnership betweenHarvard Club of France & ESSEC Alumni Food ClubWednesday, July 5th, 2023 from 7:30 pmHow can the food we eat help builda sustainable future?The discussion will bring together specialists across Nutrition, Supply Chain, Corporate Food industry, who will explore the challenges, solutions and actions for choosing diets that can have a positive impact.The panel will be followed by a cocktail with plenty of time to mingle.Join us and imagine what the future of food could look like!Panelists include: Caroline Chesneau – Group Nutrition Director at Bel group and agronomy engineer AgroParisTechThomas Gault – Partner Climate change & Sustainability at EY; ESSEC alumnus Hélène Hervé – International Marketing Head at The Kraft Heinz Company; Harvard and ESSEC alumnaBeatrice de Reynal – Chairwoman at Nutrimarketing Innovation Alimentaire & Communication Date: Wednesday, July 5th, 2023Time: From 7:30 pm (Paris time)Where: Linklaters, 25 Rue de Marignan, 75008 Paris, FranceWho: Harvard and ESSEC alumni and their guestsRegistration before Monday July 3rd at midnightHCF and ESSEC Alumni (dues-paying) members: 20 EURHCF and ESSEC Alumni non-members : 30 EURGuests: 30 EURThis event is organized by :Stéphanie Mareva FaillouxHCF TreasurerHarvard College 1994Richard C. Delerins, PhDHead ESSEC Alumni Food ClubESSEC '86Anna Lea AlbrightHCF Board MemberHarvard College '17Join our community, become a member of the Harvard Club of France below:Click HERE to become a member of HCFREGISTRATION