About the group

Just arrived to the U.S.?

Welcome to our Community! Don’t forget to update your country of residence on your ESSEC Alumni profile and join the USA Chapter to receive all the communications about upcoming events !

Contact the dedicated volunteers below with anita.maksymchuk@essec.edu on copy if you have any questions or if you want to volunteer.

Member Engagement Supervisors:
For all alumni relations and for questions about getting involved as a member in the Chapter
Sumer Das (Sumer.das@outlook.com)
Anne de Louvigny Stone (annedelouvignystone@gmail.com)
Anne Catherine Nielsen (for IMHI alumni) (annecatherine@equamagna.com)

Impact Coordinators: 
For all events, activities, or requests regarding social and environmental impact
Sumer Das (Sumer.das@outlook.com)
Anne de Louvigny Stone (annedelouvignystone@gmail.com)
Alain Barbet (alain.c.barbet@gmail.com)

Event Coordinators in NYC:
Anne Catherine Nielsen (annecatherine@equamagna.com)
Sumer Das (Sumer.das@outlook.com)

Communications Manager:
Anne Catherine Nielsen (annecatherine@equamagna.com)

Marion Leydier (LeydierM@sullcrom.com)

Contacts by city:
To strengthen your regional network and receive information about activities close to you, we invite you to join our regional chapters in: New-York, Los Angeles, Florida, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco.

NYC: Sumer Das (Sumer.das@outlook.com); Anne de Louvigny Stone (annedelouvignystone@gmail.com); Anne Catherine Nielsen (for IMHI alumni) (annecatherine@equamagna.com)

Los Angeles: Ghadi Hobeika (ghadi.hobeika@gmail.com)

San Francisco: Vincent Toesca (vtoesca@gmail.com)

Miami/Florida: Caroline Waddington (caroline.waddington@gmail.com)

Chicago: Ludivine Bindingnavile (ludichicago@gmail.com)

San Diego: Lydie Laperal-Rocha (lydie.rocha@gmail.com)

Boston: want to represent Boston? Contact anita.maksymchuk@essec.edu

Join the ESSEC USA WhatsApp Community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KrjmxWcyGcbFUDrsoe4lIF

Join the LinkedIn group:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4324262/