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ESSEC Alumni in USA – West Coast: “Be prepared for a cultural shock”

ESSEC Alumni News



The United States are home to about 1,000 alumni, including 100 in the Bay Area and 150 in the City of Angels. Vincent Toesca (E99), President of our San Francisco Chapter, and Ghadi Hobeika (E06), President of our Los Angeles Chapter, tell us more about the local community – and the services they provide them. 

ESSEC Alumni: What opportunities are there in the US for our alumni? 

Vincent Toesca: The US has always been home to entrepreneurs, innovative technology companies and large financial institutions. Naturally, our alumni are well represented in these jobs, at leadership and executive levels. 

Ghadi Hobeika: While the Bay Area might regroup more Tech professionals, Los Angeles is home to a number of Entertainment & Music veterans.

V. Toesca: ESSEC alumni are very successful here. We are amazed by their energy and their impact in the organizations they work for and in the communities they support.

EA: How well do American companies and recruiters know of ESSEC Business School?

V. Toesca: Good news: the perception of ESSEC is very positive when people know about our school. Better news: these individuals and professionals tend to belong to the right circles of decision makers and influencers. Though we still need to make more people aware about ESSEC here.

G. Hobeika: Our alumni are the main vectors of awareness and the best promoters of the school. Other initiatives such as MBA tours and connecting visiting ESSEC students with US companies and entrepreneurs play an important part as well. 

EA: How does the current economics and politics climate impact our alumni’s prospects in the US? 

V. Toesca: Expansion cycles and downturns impact the amount of opportunities at any given time. But the US economy and job markets are very strong, fostered by stable institutions and an incredibly favorable environment to create economic opportunity. The prospects are always bright for those willing to take calculated risks and create new businesses. It is a great match for the entrepreneurial spirit of ESSEC alumni.

EA: What sets the US apart from any other destination according to you? 

V. Toesca: The ability to create and innovate, the diversity of the workforce, and the intellectual capital have been hallmarks of the US for decades. It is an incredibly appealing ecosystem. 

G. Hobeika: Also, the US offers a broad range of experiences and lifestyles: each state is almost a “country” on its own, creating diverse and appealing experiences.

EA: What advice do you have for our alumni moving to your country?

V. Toesca: Moving to the US can be challenging from an immigration or visa standpoint, but once you’ve cleared this hurdle, it is a very welcoming and rewarding environment. 

G. Hobeika: Having strong ties to a local community is key to feel that it is not just a place to work, but also an amazing environment to grow personally, professionally and have friends and family. 

V. Toesca: Last, as we are constantly exposed to the US culture in our home countries, we tend to underestimate our cultural differences, both in our daily life and at work. Be prepared for a cultural shock, but in the end you’ll love it!

EA: What do your Chapters offer to our alumni? 

V. Toesca: Our goal is to connect alumni, support each other and develop a vibrant network. We also offer assistance to those moving from one US city to another, or from France to the US, to more quickly make their new destination feel like home.

EA: What kind of events do you organize?

V. Toesca: We have had meetups between visiting students and local alumni earlier this year. Our goal is to host more frequent events for the local SF Bay Area alumni to get to know each other in an informal yet productive way. 

G. Hobeika: In Los Angeles, the Chapter is restarting as there has been a recent change in leadership. We will organize our first event in October.

V. Toesca: We are also launching more digital channels to continuously stay in touch. 

EA: Do you need more volunteers to get involved? 

V. Toesca: The strength of ESSEC lies in our people. The more volunteers for hosting events, the better. It helps expand our network, connections and our sense of togetherness. Also, join our LinkedIn group if you have not already done so!

Interview by Louis Armengaud Wurmser (E10), Content Manager at ESSEC Alumni 

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Image: © AdobeStock

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