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The ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA is fighting blood cancer

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As part of their curriculum, the ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA’s participants are raising funds and awareness for the fight against leukemia. Join their effort – and spread the word!

The ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA offers senior executives a fast track to career advancement by providing them with globally applicable business know-how and an effective framework for leadership development. The curriculum includes a variety of components, including modular learning experiences, cross-cultural business perspectives, core management basics, a strategic project – and a social class project.

The class of this year chose to make a contribution to the fight against blood cancer. “An estimated 300,000 new cases of leukemia (2.8% of all new cancer cases) are diagnosed each year globally. Our social class project is dedicated to creating awareness, recruiting bone marrow donors, raising funds to match donor registration costs, and supporting the improvements of blood cancer therapies.” 

You can help by making a financial donation and/or giving blood, plasma, platelets, bone marrow through Laurette Fugain in France and DKMS in Germany.

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